Katerina Plotnikova Fine Art Photography
I like this photo because of the interesting concept of it. It's unique and rare, which makes the photo so cool. Not often you see a woman putting their face on a fox. I also love the head dress, because she may be Native American which would be even cooler because so am I.
Katerina Plotnikova Fine Art Photography
I like this portrait because of the way the photographer made the lights pop and blur the background. Also love how this photo has a tone and mood that it gives off. Also love how the model was able to get so close to the wolf.
Raven Varona Commercial Art Photography
I like this photo because of the lights and how it brings out this very vibrant but settle tone. I also like how you get a feeling of being off balance but at the same time stable because the model is clearly holding onto an object that keeps her from falling over. I also love the shoes because they are the best type of Jordan brand shoes called Carmine 6's which are limited addition.
Liz Barclay Commercial Art Photography
i like this photo because each pair of shoes cost $250 and because of the way the light hits the shoes makes them pop with color. I also like this photo because its's Oregon Duck shoes not often you see shoes like this.